Thursday, 13 September 2012

TGIFF! - Heathia

Happy Friday/almost Friday everyone and welcome to TGIFF!, where we share and celebrate our quilty finishes.

I'm definitely doing the happy dance with my Heathia finish this week.

This wallhanging was started in a workshop with Heather Lair this summer. We looked at the fabulous work of Sonia Delaunay, a Russian-French artist and designer, who inspired some of Heather's art. As my piece really combines both of their influences, I decided to call it Heathia. :)

When I shared this with you a couple of weeks ago, it was at this stage:

Top Before Borders
To finish it, I laid it on a larger piece muslin to give it a border effect. Then I quilted it within a 1/4" of it's life with my walking foot. Heather showed us a way to add another layer of design with this style of quilting - love, love, love. I used Aurifil (28 wt. light blue-grey - 2612) that Alex Veronelli of Aurifil generously sent me in the spring. I've been looking for a project to play with some of those threads and I knew this one was going to be perfect.

Quilting Detail

Quilting Detail
I know I've said it before, but I love Aurifil thread! I quilted just over half of this piece with one bobbin. I kept checking the bobbin because I was sure that I was running low, but nope. It's nice and thin so the bobbin holds a lot more than some of the other threads I've used and there's very little lint. I really like how fine the thread looks on this piece too -- no knobbies (is that even a word?).

I loved doing the quilting this way; it adds great texture to the quilt. When I got bored doing lines in one direction, I'd just switch it up and start going in another. I think the 1/4" spacing between quilting lines gives enough continuity so that you can switch directions or shapes easily. Does that make sense? I also added in one circle of red orange thread for a bit of pop in the quilting.

Check out the back:

Heathia - Back
I faced it in blue (using this tutorial by Susan Brubaker-Knapp) because I thought that the blue facing would add a little pop of colour from the side. I'm wondering a bit if I shouldn't have used the muslin though.
Heathia - Front
Quiltography: "Heathia," by Michèle-Renée Charbonneau, Ottawa, 20" by 28", 2012.

Thank you so much, Heather, for teaching me how to do this. I definitely see more of this style of work in my future.

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  1. Wow M-R - that is so cool and beautiful!

  2. wow, the quilting has completely transformed it. it looks amazing

  3. Wow! It looks amazing - so very creative and artistic. Your quilting really makes it!

  4. I agree with Rachel - the quilting has completely transformed this piece. It's fantastic!

  5. W@ow, love that quilting!! Amazing :)

  6. What a stunning quilt! That quilting is AMAZING!

  7. Wow, that quilting is so perfect!

  8. Amazing! Stunning! Awesome!!! You did a "wonderful" job!!!! Did you use any kind of quilting "map" - or did you truly just change direction when you felt like it as you said????? Looks like a very detailed plan that you did very, very well. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. The quilting completely transformed that piece! Congrats - great job. :)

  10. That is one gorgeous piece of quilting. Nice work.

  11. YOur work is wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  12. Wow, and wow. That is an amazing amount of gorgeous quilting!

  13. This is stunning - fantastic texture. And an interesting tip about the aurifil in the bobbin too :)

  14. This piece is amazing! You are a very good student, and listened very well to the teacher!!! :)

    Heather Lair

  15. I would be so proud of myself if I managed to quilt like this. Do you design your lines with a soluable pen first or just totally ad-lib as you go? It adds such an extra dimension to the quiltmaking it more like a piece of artwork than something to snuggle under. Well done.

  16. It really is just neat looking. It adds so much to an already fun to look at design. Really, it's just fun to oogle all those quilting lines. Great job.

  17. it is a amazing! I love the effect from the quilting - and the quilting itself - superb!

  18. This is eye-poppingly gorgeous! The quilting is spectacular!

  19. After reading your WIP post, I came on over to see the progression of the Heathia piece. Wow, what a difference the quilting makes!

  20. This one is gorgeous M-R. And I love what you did with the quilting!


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